The past few years we've had the honor of working with the Cartoon Network on puppets for their Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends float in the Macy's Parade. The characters that we built for them include Bloo, Cheese, Fluffernutter, and Jackie Khones, who you can see here:
Our hats are off to the Cartoon Network for pulling off the greatest RickRoll of all time!
In our own hometown of Charlotte, NC, Grey Seal Puppets' characters dominated the Carolinas Thanksgiving Day Parade. Many of the mascot characters that we've built were there, including Rufus Lynx from the Charlotte Bobcat, LugNut from the Lowes Motor Speedway, and a mascot version of our very own Seemore Goodstuff from WTVI-42! Seemore appeared with his on-air counterpart, Beverly Dorn-Steele.

We also built a huge Father Time parade puppet, which was used to advertise the upcoming First Night Charlotte, a New Year's Eve festival.

Here, Cheralyn Lambeth tests out Father Time outside the Grey Seal Puppets studio. Cheralyn also puppeteered Father Time in the parade.
Three different kinds of puppets, but each a perfect tool to reach their audience. What can puppets say for you?
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